Collaborated with Rustic Art - Organic Beauty Brand (Product Review)
About The Brand - We are on a mission to make sustainable living convenient. All our products are natural, organic, vegan, cruelty free and safe for you and our environment. Rustic Art ensures that both these entities go down a long way with love and care to see a beautiful place our world once was. Rustic Art has been creating awareness and making people realize the importance of saving the planet at an individual level.
1. Aloe Vera Papaya Gel with Niacinamide

About The product - Diving deep into the pores, papaya gel lightens up the skin and cleans it thoroughly. Papaya is Moisturizing, helps clear pigmentation, reduces dark circles and tan. Aloe Vera gel is best for daily use. It quickly absorbs into the skin and is the most effective post shower. The gel forms a breathable layer over the skin, which nourishes, and protects the skin from pollution and dust. It's a perfect moisturizer to have handy. Made from all organic and natural ingredients, it has a lasting effect on the skin making it healthy with every use.
My Review -Rustic Art aloe vera gel can definitely be used as a moisturizer. However, if you have very dry skin, just aloe vera gel is not enough. You must combine it with a mild face lotion after the gel as aloe vera can heal the skin from within and lotion on top can take care of the excessive dryness.
You can buy it on amazon too via this link
2. Geranium Charcoal Face Wash Concentrate

About the Product - It will mine the impurities out of your skin. Along with Geranium, Patchouli & Peppermint, it doesn't get any closer to nature with calming fragrances & deep cleansing. Geranium charcoal face wash is organic, natural and vegan mild soap paste suitable for oily to normal & white heads prone skin. It removes all the dirt from skin pores providing a great cleansing effect. It helps in reducing the effect of pollution on skin & make it look healthy. The new facewash concentrate lasts up to three times longer than the liquid of same quantity. Contains no sulphates, phosphates, parabens, synthetic colours and fragrance. Compact packaging, non leaking, travel friendly.
My Review- My skin is a combination (oily+ normal) and few days back I got a collaboration for this brand so I ordered charcoal one and it works well but after regular usage you will feel dryness in skin so maybe some moisturizer is required for regular using people otherwise charcoal one is good for oily skin
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